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life member 終身會員。

life net

Each candidate for members of the executive committee ( “ the candidate “ ) shall be nominated by one accredited official representative of agency members and one life member or two accredited official representatives of agency members provided that one of such accredited official representative should come from the agency member of which the candidate belongs and that if the candidate is nominated by two accredited official representatives , such two accredited official representatives do not come from the same agency member 所有候選執行委員會成員應由一位機構會員的正式代表及一位永久個人會員或兩位機構會員的正式代表提名,但提名人中的其中一位必須是該候選人所屬機構的正式代表,如候選人由兩位機構會員正式代表提名,則該兩位正式代表不能來自同一機構會員。

C each candidate for members of the executive committee the candidate shall be nominated by one accredited official representative of agency members and one life member or two accredited official representatives of agency members provided that one of such accredited official representative should come from the agency member of which the candidate belongs and that if the candidate is nominated by two accredited official representatives , such two accredited official representatives do not come from the same agency member (三)所有候選執行委員會成員應由一位機構會員的正式代表及一位永久個人會員或兩位機構會員的正式代表提名,但提名人中的其中一位必須是該候選人所屬機構的正式代表,如候選人由兩位機構會員正式代表提名,則該兩位正式代表不能來自同一機構會員。

Each candidate for members of the executive committee “ the candidate “ shall be nominated by one accredited official representative of agency members and one life member or two accredited official representatives of agency members provided that one of such accredited official representative should come from the agency member of which the candidate belongs and that if the candidate is nominated by two accredited official representatives , such two accredited official representatives do not come from the same agency member (三)所有候選執行委員會成員應由一位機構會員的正式代表及一位永久個人會員或兩位機構會員的正式代表提名,但提名人中的其中一位必須是該候選人所屬機構的正式代表,如候選人由兩位機構會員正式代表提名,則該兩位正式代表不能來自同一機構會員。

Miss germany ' s father has 4 holiday inns in germany and she had heard of diamond resort before she came to hangzhou , but it ' s so out of her expectation that she became the life member of the club and she could come to spend holiday here for a week free of charge 因為德國小姐的父親在德國開辦了4家度假酒店,在她來中國之前就聽父親說過杭州有個達盟山莊酒店公寓,沒想到自己竟意外地成為俱樂部的終身會員,每年都可以免費度假7天。

Individuals who have been registered as life members prior to the date of september 27 , 2001 ( hereinafter called “ life members “ ) , shall be the life members of the council until such time as they withdraw their membership or become deceased 凡于二零零一年九月二十七日以前已登記成為永久會員的人士(下稱永久個人會員) ,將成為社聯永久個人會員,直至他們辭退會籍或死亡。

Individuals who have been registered as life members prior to the date of september 27 , 2001 hereinafter called “ life members “ , shall be the life members of the council until such time as they withdraw their membership or become deceased 凡于二零零一年九月二十七日以前已登記成為永久會員的人士(下稱永久個人會員) ,將成為社聯永久個人會員,直至他們辭退會籍或死亡。

Individuals who have been registered as life members prior to the date of september 27 , 2001 hereinafter called life members , shall be the life members of the council until such time as they withdraw their membership or become deceased 凡于二零零一年九月二十七日以前已登記成為永久會員的人士(下稱永久個人會員) ,將成為社聯永久個人會員,直至他們辭退會籍或死亡。

Kindly note that voting forms for the election will be distributed to official representatives of agency members and life members , or their proxies , when they register for the agm at room 204 - 6 , 2 f starting from 2 : 45 pm 當日下午二時四十五分起,機構會員正式代表及永久個人會員,或其受托人可到2樓204 - 6室辦理周年會員大會及特別會員大會的登記手續,并領取選票。

Representatives from agency members and life members are allowed to attend meetings of all committees , enabling them to keep abreast of the discussion and to give their views . minutes of the meetings shall be made available for members perusal 機構會員及永久個人會員均可出席所有會議,藉以掌握討論內容及發表意見,會議記錄亦會印備供本會會員查閱。

Individuals who had registered as life members prior to the date of september 27 , 2001 shall be the life members of the council until such time as they withdraw their membership or become deceased 永久個人會員凡于2001年9月27日以前已登記成為永久會員的人士,將成為社聯永久個人會員,直至他們辭退會籍或死亡。

When the runner - up , miss germany knew she was awarded as the honor life member of diamond business club with the champion and third - place , she was so excited that she called her father on that night 當亞軍德國小姐得知自己和冠軍季軍獲得達盟商務俱樂部名譽終身會員后,激動得連夜打電話給遠在德國的父親。

Individuals who had registered as life members prior to the date of september 27 , 2001 shall be the life members of the council until such time as they withdraw their membership or become deceased 凡于2001年9月27日以前已登記成為永久會員的人士,將成為社聯永久個人會員,直至他們辭退會籍或死亡。

Dr . lee has always concerned himself with the well being and development of the chinese university of hong kong and after his retirement , he will continue to be associated closely with cuhk as a life member of the council 利博士愛護中大,感情深厚,榮休后將續任終身校董,與中大保持密切聯系。

Mr . chan joined manulife in 1980 . he has been a life member of mdrt since 1994 and won gamahk s national management gold award from 1997 to 2000 and a four - star master builder in the company 陳氏于一九九七至二千年期間屢奪香港人壽保險經理協會的管理卓越獎金獎,同時亦是公司的四星創建能手。

A up to fifteen persons or not less than half of the total members of the executive committee elected from the candidates nominated by agency members and life members 執行委員會成員由下列人士組成: (一)最多可從機構代表及永久個人會員提名的候選人中選出十五名或不少于執行委員會的一半成員;

Up to fifteen persons or not less than half of the total members of the executive committee elected from the candidates nominated by agency members and life members 執行委員會成員由下列人士組成: (一)最多可從機構代表及永久個人會員提名的候選人中選出十五名或不少于執行委員會的一半成員;

He is currently a life member of the american society of heating , refrigerating and air - conditioning engineers and a life member of the association of energy engineers in the u . s . a 熊先生現為美國熱能、冷藏及冷氣機工程學會及美國能源工程學會的終身會員。

Agency members of the council all staff and their family members of the council and its agency members and the life members 在社聯及社聯機構會員內任職的同工及其直系家屬(父母、兄弟姐妹、夫妻及十八歲以上子女) 。

He has continued to give his support and contribute to the university as a life member of the council after his retirement in 1997 利博士于一九九七年榮休,繼出任終身校董,鼎力支持本校之發展,貢獻卓著。